Ordering the product

To order a Saunazza sauna ladle, please fill in the form below. 

Price 100€/piece includes shipping (only in Estonia) to your nearest post office. 

The post office will notify you when your parcel has arrived. 

When ordering outside of Estonia, additional shipping fees will be added depending on the destination. If that is the case, please provide the necessary details in the form below. Before transferring the money, please wait for us to contact you so we could further discuss the amount of payment needed and/or any additional details regarding the order.

If you would like to buy a sauna ladle as a present, we can also engrave it for you. 

*name, company logo, etc. custom laser engraving EUR 15. Please send the text or logo separately to the email address

**we also offer custom-made sauna ladles with a length of 1.15 m. In that case, EUR 18 will be added to the price. -- not available at the moment

Please make a transfer after placing your order. Once we have received the payment, you will be sent an order confirmation by email. Delivery will take up to 7 days. 

          Payee: Nordefix Oy
      Address: PL 14, 00101 Helsinki
            IBAN: FI91 5000 0120 4281 63
               BIC: OKOYFIHH
         Details: "name of client"
    Sum total: "(for example 1 pcs) + SHIPPING FEE"
Email again: